Small ULC

Options for our Small Single and Double Wall ULC Tanks

We offer a multitude of options for our small ULC S607-07 tanks; pumps, stairs, hoses, special skids, split compartments.


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We offer a wide range of stair options for your small ULC S607-07 tanks.





We can design any type of stair or platform to meet your requirements.





We offer both standard and custom skid designs. Choose from one of our designs on file or create one that specifically suits your needs.




A sturdy skid that meets most needs.







A basic no frills design.









An "open" skid design.






Stainless Primary (Double Walls) - Aviation Tanks

For certain applications, such as helicopter and aviation fueling, Jet A and Jet B fuel storage and agressive chemicals that meet the guidelines of the ULC S601-07 standard, we can make the primary tank out of stainless steel and do the secondary wrap with normal carbon steel.


A stainless steel primary saves on lining costs! And for small tanks where blasting and lining the internal may be impossible or cost prohibitive, using a stainless primary may the only effective way of achieving the protection one needs.




Pumps and Hoses

Huge L Steel offers a full line of pump and accessories (hoses, nozzles, filters, meters, gauges) to completely kit out your tank.







Our pumps are North American brands such as GPI and Fill-Rite.










We can supply tanks with either manual or auto nozzles.











We can supply all pumps with the necessary filters. A must with todays new engine and fuel system requirements.










  Arctic hoses up to 25' long are available. 

Protect your investment...always use appropriate filters.





Depending on the size of tank required, we can manufacture 50/50 and 60/40 splits.




We can doctor up your tank with extra fittings and even a spillbox provided it is within the ULC S601-07 guidelines.





If your ULC tank requires special connections and fittings to meet existing piping arrangements, Huge L Steel has an engineering team capable of designing a product that meets your needs.